VEHICLE ROUTING for SAP Applications

Integrates seamlessly the SAP order with the route and tour planning, optimizing your transport fleet
What serve vehicle routing applications for if it's not integrated with your SAP ERP?
The PTV xTour Server creates efficient trip plans for transportation logistics and sales forces. It considers customer
time limits, depot opening hours, driving time, rest periods and vehicle capacities. xTour enables a seamlessly integration with your SAP applications (SAP ERP, SAP ECC, SAP TMS, SAP CRM, SAP S/4HANA) through APIs built on SAP Netweaver using SAP iDocs (in/out), and also it integrates through standardized web service interfaces (XML, SOAP, JSON). It is scalable and actively supports multi- processor systems and 64-bit versions of Windows and Linux. Plan, schedule and optimize truck routes to ensure the most efficient use of your fleet with the PTV xServer Fleet Planning & Optimization API. PTV xRoute Server calculates routes, determines road distances and travel times, and calculates toll costs and emissions values. Vehicle profiles and routing behaviour can be configured as needed. Lorry routing takes truck attributes, driving times and rest periods into account.
Plan and optimize routes for any fleet size
The Fleet Planning & Optimisation API factors all vehicles, tractors and trailers at your disposal as well as all combination possibilities into route planning.
Consider traffic patterns and ongoing construction
PTV xServer is global market leader in dynamic route optimisation. This means that the software considers rush hours as well as ongoing construction already while planning routes.
Factor time restrictions into route planning
Consider legal or your own set of rules regarding break and rest times and factor them into your route planning. Consider additional time restrictions such as opening hours of depots and ramps.
Flexibly change trips thanks to live dispatching
Did an accident just occur on your planned route? Did an order got cancelled or added last minute? No problem! The Fleet Planning & Optimisation API enables you to intervene manually when things don’t go as planned to make sure that your vehicles stick the most optimal schedule and route
Define your personal optimization goal
Do you want to minimise vehicle deployment? Distribute the workload equally on your drivers? Regardless of your preferences - the Fleet Planning & Optimisation API calculates the optimum result for your goal.
Consider relevant truck attributes
Define your vehicles’ attributes (e.g. size, length and weight as well as loading capacity, special cargo and speed profiles). The API delivers the optimum route that considers all truck-specific attributes as well as access restrictions in inner-city areas as well as toll charges.

PTV xServer allow you to plan and change clusters based on locations (customer addresses, postcode areas etc.). Common use cases are the management of field representatives, the planning of warehouse locations and their delivery areas as well as delivery planning.
PTV xServer are designed for processing big amounts of data and therefore predestined for companies with an extensive field force and / or numerous locations to consider.