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There are many things to be considered for the success of the COVID 19 vaccination campaign. Learn how the use of telecommunication technology could contribute to success.

Monitoring of Covid 19 vaccines, Tracking, and Monitoring, Assets Location, GPS Location; Tracking of Transportation Chain, Tracking of Covid 19 Vaccines, Monitoring of Vaccines, Assets Real-Time Monitoring, Covid 19 Logistics Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Logistics, Cold Chain Management, Covid 19 Cold Chain Management, Traceability Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Traceability.


Without traceability of people vaccinated and vaccines applied is difficult to know when the entire population will receive the correct doses.

How to obtain precise predictability without accurate traceability? That is a crucial point that Authorities must take into consideration. For example, it is essential to record the following:

  1. What is the more significant time of exposure of vaccines without refrigeration?

  2. What are the health or vaccination points? How does it monitor centrally?

  3. How to get traceability of vaccine movement in real-time without human intervention?

  4. How to integrate traceability information with Authorities' systems?

Just imagine, until now, Authorities received a small portion of vaccines, but how complex will it be to receive a more considerable amount for 30%,40%.50% of the population. Without accurate traceability, the risk of the emerging black market of COVID 19 vaccines is a real threat. Accurate traceability delivers to Authorities and population visibility, accountability, and transparency.

We propose our system for traceability combined with the current government system like ERPs, BI, or Inventory system, giving the Authorities the possibility to feat real-time traceability information that can complete their dashboard of the Covid 19 vaccination campaign or logistics operation.

In a previous article, we mentioned: How to manage real-time temperature monitoring of Covid 19 vaccines?. In this article, I say three critical factors of the Covid 19 vaccination campaign's monitoring chain.


Monitoring of Covid 19 vaccines, Tracking, and Monitoring, Assets Location, GPS Location; Tracking of Transportation Chain, Tracking of Covid 19 Vaccines, Monitoring of Vaccines, Assets Real-Time Monitoring, Covid 19 Logistics Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Logistics, Cold Chain Management, Covid 19 Cold Chain Management, Traceability Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Traceability, Geofence, Perimeter Alerts, Map Location.

The first critical factor is related to the monitoring and management of events in Distribution Centers. Our traceability system aims to control IN / OUT of vaccines without human intervention, with a completely independent system. How to do that? Our traceability system allows you to identify asset type and container type, so immediately, Authorities know about the quantities of vaccines referenced to the container type. Containers type for vaccines can define in the system by pallets, portable or reusable thermal boxes, thermal bags or coolers, refrigerators, or medical freezers. Authorities can also identify disposable vaccines containers, which means it doesn't have to return to the distribution center for recharge.

This incoming and outgoing logistics gives the Authorities real-time information for vaccine tracking and movement, delivering integration APIs with their government's systems.

Our traceability system sends automatic notifications or alerts based on defined events in our platform. For example, if you represent geofences for each Distribution Center, when the asset moves, the system sends an incoming or outgoing notification allowing registering the type of asset with the features defined in our platform to your inventory or ERP system.


Monitoring of Covid 19 vaccines, Tracking, and Monitoring, Assets Location, GPS Location; Tracking of Transportation Chain, Tracking of Covid 19 Vaccines, Monitoring of Vaccines, Assets Real-Time Monitoring, Covid 19 Logistics Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Logistics, Cold Chain Management, Covid 19 Cold Chain Management, Traceability Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Traceability, Geofence, Perimeter Alerts, Map Location. Air Cargo Tracking, Terrestrial Cargo Tracking, Fluvial Cargo Tracking, Maritime Cargo Tracking, Temperature and Humidity Control, Remote Door Openness, Door Openness Alert, GPS Location.

The second critical factor is the transportation chain (we recommend reading: "Challenges of Distributing Covid 19 Vaccinations).

Authorities can control the transportation chain's essential elements with our platform; you define vehicle type, destination, temperature control parameters, and real-time alerts based on events. Through these parameters definition, you can control at any time:

  • GPS Transport Location

  • Transport Media (Air, Terrestrial or Maritime)

  • Driver ID

  • Transport Type

  • Container Type (Pallet, Boxes, Coolers, Thermal bags, Etc.)

  • Temperature

  • Humidity

  • Speed Limit

  • Perimeters Alerts

  • Deviation in Destination Route

  • Notification of destination point arriving.

  • Cargo Door Open Sensor Alert

  • Cargo Door Openness remotely through electronic GPS padlock

  • ETA Notification

Finally, we recommend choosing our padlock for remote openness of doors from the Control Center for increased transport security. All the time tracking of transport location, temperature, and humidity are recording in our platform and can transfer to your systems. Our platform and devices can track air, terrestrial, fluvial, and maritime transportation at any time, any place, from the web platform or mobile app.


Monitoring of Covid 19 vaccines, Tracking, and Monitoring, Assets Location, GPS Location; Tracking of Transportation Chain, Tracking of Covid 19 Vaccines, Monitoring of Vaccines, Assets Real-Time Monitoring, Covid 19 Logistics Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Logistics, Cold Chain Management, Covid 19 Cold Chain Management, Traceability Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Traceability, Geofence, Perimeter Alerts, Map Location. Air Cargo Tracking, Terrestrial Cargo Tracking, Fluvial Cargo Tracking, Maritime Cargo Tracking, Temperature and Humidity Control, Remote Door Openness, Door Openness Alert, GPS Location, Alerts based on event-programming, Real-time Alerts, Temperature deviation alert.

The third critical factor for Authorities on the Covid 19 vaccination campaign is to have a complete summary of vaccine distribution in one integrated dashboard with real-time information. Our traceability system enables the Authorities can track vaccines' location on a detailed map, identifying Hospital Center or Vaccination Care Point. Also, Authorities can monitor the temperature of vaccines remotely. Any deviation of temperature from the range defined automatically sends an alert to the Monitor Center.

One of our traceability system advantages is integrating with the Business Intelligence's (BI) government systems, bringing complete visibility of vaccine movement in real-time through our integration API.

Our platform is an event-based programming system, so any situation related to the distribution or operation chain is easily and quickly defined.


Monitoring of Covid 19 vaccines, Tracking, and Monitoring, Assets Location, GPS Location; Tracking of Transportation Chain, Tracking of Covid 19 Vaccines, Monitoring of Vaccines, Assets Real-Time Monitoring, Covid 19 Logistics Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Logistics, Cold Chain Management, Covid 19 Cold Chain Management, Traceability Management, Covid 19 Vaccines Traceability, Geofence, Perimeter Alerts, Map Location. Air Cargo Tracking, Terrestrial Cargo Tracking, Fluvial Cargo Tracking, Maritime Cargo Tracking, Temperature, and Humidity Control, Remote Door Openness, Door Openness Alert, GPS Location, Alerts based on event-programming, Real-time Alerts, Temperature deviation alert, Temperature Monitoring of Thermal Bags, Temperature Monitoring of Portable Coolers, Temperature Monitoring of Refrigerators, Temperature Monitoring of Medical Freezers.

Our traceability system can send the information to any ERPs, Inventory, or BI system. So, the Authorities can have accurate information to take measurement based on:

  • Vaccines distribution times

  • Vaccines exposure time without refrigeration

  • Vaccines application time spent for each container (thermal bag or thermal cooler, for example)

  • Record of temperature variation from each container vaccine, in case of deviation.

  • Amount of vaccine containers delivered for distribution

  • Amount of portable vaccine containers returned for recharge with new dozes.

  • Vaccines location for track and inventory

  • Better and accurate information for Health Authorities Planners

  • Any other parameters related to tracking assets



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